Swift in the News

Swift Drone Academy was approached to speak to CTV regarding RPAS operations near emergency security perimeters. Alex and Alicia met with CTV to chat about the importance of education in the world of RPAS.

RPAS operations and the pilot responsibilities go beyond the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). There are many resources available online but many are not always regularly associated to flying drones. Privacy is one of those that seems to often take a backseat.

Recreational and Commercial RPAS pilots should always keep in mind the images and videos that they area capturing.

Transport Canada captures : “Some violations of a person’s privacy may go beyond privacy laws and may be offences that result in charges. This includes using drones in a way that could be:

  • voyeurism

  • mischief

  • creating a nuisance

  • violations of provincial or municipal laws

You’re responsible for knowing all the laws that may apply to your drone use.”

For businesses, the rules are more closely regulated. Businesses are subject to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) when using drones. For more information on this, please visit Transport Canada and The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Click here for a link to the summary sheet provided by Transport Canada.

Click here for the link to the CTV News article April 19 2024.

Click here for the video interview with Alex and Alicia.


A snapshot: 2030 RPAS Operations